The fund seeks to capitalise on the increasing focus on emissions' reductions by Australian organisations, investors and consumers and tap into the fast-growing domestic carbon market.
ACF aims to deliver strong returns for investors and promote investment in activities designed to accelerate climate action.
For companies, an investment in the ACF helps to de-risk against rising prices of carbon offsets as well as potentially add a ‘green premium’ to their product.
ACCU prices currently sit near their lowest level in over a year.
Credits on the European Market and credits under the New Zealand scheme are trading at a significant premium to the Australian scheme making the Australian market an affordable, yet growing, option.
Forecasts suggest Australia’s carbon price may reach upwards of A$200/unit by 2035 in order to reach net zero by 2050.
There is an effective floor price in place on ACCUs which is set by the Federal Government and minimises the downside risk of investment.
(as of July 1, 2022)
The number of entities registered to hold ACCU's
Approximate Value of the ACCU Market
Average Time Taken To Open An ANREU Registry Account
The number of entities registered to hold ACCU’s
Current value of the ACCU market
Average Time Taken To Open An ANREU Registry Account
Mac Equity Partner’s holds an AFSL over ACCUs, owns an ANREU registry account and has existing relationships with Australia’s most significant carbon credit holders and brokers.
The Australian Carbon Fund will invest funds directly into Australian Carbon Fund Management Pty Ltd.
Australian Carbon Fund Management is a corporate authorised representative of Mac Equity Partners and will be able to deal in ACCUs and ACCU derivatives on behalf on the fund.
Boutique Capital will operate as Trustee and administrator of the Fund.
Units in the fund can be redeemed for cash or ACCUs.
Download our Australian Carbon Fund brochure to know full information
Reducing carbon emissions has significant flow on effects that can be categorised under: environmental co-benefits, social and economic co-benefits, and First nations co-benefits.
We believe that it is important that investment is focused on keeping these benefits within Australia.
The government is the largest current buyer of ACCUs most recently contracting them at ~$17/ACCU.
Further to this, the recent shift in government policy to free up ACCU supply likely places a breakeven of ~ $24 on a significant portion of ACCU supply leaving minimal downside to the ACCU price.
ACCUs are perceived as the ‘gold standard’ in carbon offsets.
They are regulated by several government bodies to ensure they maintain integrity and the environmental benefits are guaranteed to remain over time.